table getrawmetatable(Varient instance)
Return's the raw metatable of instance
bool setreadonly(table instance, bool protected)
Set's instances read only lock to protected
bool isreadonly(userdata instance)
Returns if Instance is writeable or readonly.
string readfile(string filepath)
reads file filepath and returns it's body.
bool writefile(string filepath, string content)
writes to file filepath and set's it's body to content.
string setclipboard(userdata Property)
set's your keyboards clipboard to value of Property.
string HttpGet(string url)
Returns page body of url
string HttpPost(string url, string data, bool async, string ContentType)
Sends a POST request to URL url with the post data of data with the content type of the data as ContentType and returns the body of the page.
function loadstring(string script, [string chunk])
Compiles the script into a function which can be called. Chunk is optional.
none queue_on_teleport(string script)
Pushes script into a queue which will be executed on teleportation.
userdata GetObjects(string assetid)
load's a roblox model assetid into the game and returns it
string gethwid()
returns your HWID for asshurt
string sirhurt_create_secure_function(string script_to_protect)
A security function to designed to make original script sources harder to obtain. Protects script_to_protect and returns a string that called with sirhurt_run_secure() to run your script.
string sirhurt_run_secure(string protected_script)
Runs the script protected_script that was obtained via sirhurt_create_secure_function.
table getnilinstances()
Returns a table with instances parented to nil
table getgenv()
Returns a table populated with the SirHurt thread environment
table getrenv()
Returns a table populated with the ROBLOX thread environment
table getreg()
Returns a table populated with everything in the registry table
table getgc()
Returns a table populated with everything in the garbage collector
bool checkcaller()
Returns whether the function caller originated from a SirHurt script
table getloadedmodules()
Returns a table with all modules currently loaded inside the game.
table getconnections(RBXScriptSignal signal)
Returns an table with all the connections of the signal signal.
none firesignal(RBXScriptSignal signal, ...)
Fires all signals connected to signal with the arguments ...
function hookfunction(function old, function new)
Hooks function old with function new and returns a backup of function old.
function newcclosure(function func)
Wraps function func in a C closure and returns the closure
none loadfile(string path)
Read's file (path) and execute's the code contained in path.
none leftpress()
Simulates a left mouse button click.
none rightpress()
Simulates a right mouse button click.
none leftrelease()
Simulates a left mouse button release.
none rightrelease()
Simulates a right mouse button release.
none keypress(int k)
Simulates a key press to k, which is the number mapping of a key
none keyrelease(int k)
Simulates a key relese to k, which is the number mapping of a key
none mousemoverel(int x, int y)
Moves the mouse cursor by x and y relative to the current cursor position.
none mousescroll(int n)
Scrolls the mouse by n amount
bool isrbxactive()
Returns a bool based on if the foreground window is Roblox.
bool islclosure(function a)
Returns 'true' if a is a LClosure
None fireclickdetector(Variant ClickDetector, int Distance)
Fires ClickDetector ClickDetector with distance Distance
None firetouchinterest(Varient Part, Varient PartToTouch, int touchtype)
Fires the TouchInterest of PartToTouch with the part touching as Part
bool is_sirhurt_closure(function func)
Returns true if func is a function made by SirHurt.
bool is_protected_closure(function func)
Returns true if func is a protected closure.
userdata get_hidden_gui()
Returns a private PlayerGui hidden from game scripts.
table(bool Success, int StatusCode, string Body) http_request(table(string Url, string Method, table Headers, string Body) func)
Similar in functionality to HttpService:RequestAsync. Url parameter is the only required paramter. Documentation for HttpService:RequestAsync can be viewed here. For authentication purposes our headers are defined under SirHurt-User-Identifier and SirHurt-Fingerprint.
Variant ClassName)
Creates a new DrawObject based on the given class name and returns it.
Variant getupvalue/debug.getupvalue(Variant<function, int> a, int b)
Returns the value of the requested upvalue from the stack specified
string setupvalue/debug.setupvalue(Variant<function, int> a, int b, Variant c)
Sets the value of the requested upvalue from the stack specified and return's the upvalues name.
Variant getproto/debug.getproto(function a, int b)
Gets local function at b
Table<Variant> getupvalues/debug.getupvalues(Variant<function, int> a)
Returns all upvalues from the stack specified.
Variant getconstant/debug.getconstant(Variant<function, int> f, int index)
Returns constant in function f at index index
Table<Variant> getconstants/debug.getconstants(Variant<function, int> f)
Stores all constants in function f in a table and returns it.
none setconstant/debug.setconstant(Variant<function, int> f, int index, Variant value)
Sets constant in function f at index index to value
Table<Variant> debug.setmetatable(Variant a, Table<Variant> b)
Set's the metatable of a to b
Table<Variant> debug.getinfo(Variant<function, int> a, string b)
Returns a table of info from to the Lua function a
Table<Variant> debug.getregistry()
Return's the lua registry.